Alcohol affects cholesterol in many ways. Many people have the misconception that drinking alcohol is good for the health of the heart.
However, not many people have benefitted by doing this, and alcohol does more harm than good for your overall health.
Does Alcohol Affect Cholesterol?

The theory that alcohol is good for the heart comes from the fact that some drinks like red wine, when taken in moderate quantities, can help to lower the rates of heart disease in the long run.
It can decrease inflammation and lower the risk of blood clots in the body. However, when the quantity exceeds a certain limit, it can raise the blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attack and even stroke in many cases.
Not only that, it also leads to increased levels of triglycerides in the blood. This fat accumulation in the body also leads to obesity and a host of other problems with the liver.
For this reason, you should avoid consuming alcohol completely. When you are not able to completely stay away from alcohol, you have to consume them in small quantities once in a while.
How Alcohol Raises Your Cholesterol Levels?

It is important to understand how alcohol affects the body.
The alcohol is broken down in the liver, and it builds cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver. In this way, the cholesterol levels are increased in the blood.
When this is too much for the liver to handle, it will not be able to eliminate the excess fat, and it leads to a fatty liver condition.
Things get worse with this condition as the proper functioning of the liver gets affected, and it will not be able to process alcohol effectively, leading to further deposits of fat.
The condition goes to extreme levels, and the overall health gets affected in the long run due to this problem. In the final stages of alcohol addiction, the liver may fail completely, and it becomes difficult for the body to get enough nutrition.
This often leads to weight loss, and overall health gets affected. The cholesterol levels are not controlled at this stage, and it can lead to heart problems.
How Alcohol Affects Other Organs?

Alcohol is bad for your overall health as it can raise the blood pressure level and also lead to conditions of obesity in many people.
All these factors increase the risk of heart attack by a huge margin. In extreme cases, it can even lead to several types of cancer when the liver and pancreas get affected due to long term abuse of alcohol.
It also increases mental dependency on alcohol in the long run, and you may experience depression and other health problems.
Excessive drinking of alcohol regularly can cause the heart to beat irregularly and invite a host of other health problems.
The heart becomes too weak in the long run, and it will not be able to pump blood in a normal manner. This can lead to heart attack, stroke, or even heart failure in extreme cases.
Limit Alcohol Consumption

In this regard, it is essential to limit the consumption of alcohol as it can damage your health in many ways.
The simple thing you can do is to drink in limited quantities and spread the use across several units throughout the week instead of binge drinking.
Apart from that, you can also have some set days on which you will completely stay away from alcohol.
You should avoid drinking your full day’s consumption at once and instead spread it throughout the day so that your body gets some break in between to process the alcohol.
Some people, however, believe that drinking alcohol is good for their health. However, it is partially true as this is restricted only to some drinks like red wine, and others may harm your health rather than providing health benefits.
Even when it comes to red wine, you must understand that not all people can get health benefits as younger people tend to get some benefits, and older people may not be able to extract the benefits of red wine.
Best Way To Reduce Alcohol

Many people make the mistake of drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. In this way, your body will suffer a lot as the liver is under pressure to process strong alcohol without any protection.
Apart from that, when you have alcohol after eating food, the alcohol will be processed slowly as it mixes with the food, and this will lead to less dependency on alcohol in the long run.
Not only that, it protects the stomach lining from ulcers in the future.
Yet another advantage of eating food before consuming alcohol is that you will drink less as your stomach will already be filled with food. In this way, you can easily reduce the intake of alcohol by some margin.
Is Red Wine Good For Lowering Cholesterol?

Yes. Red wine has many health benefits, and it is also good for the health of your heart, provided you consume it in limited quantities.
It has high levels of resveratrol that has antioxidant properties. This is beneficial in protecting the arteries, and you can easily lower the cholesterol levels in this manner.
Red wine made from natural plant extracts without any chemicals will offer the best benefits in this regard.
You should limit the quantity and only use it occasionally to get health benefits
Consuming alcohol can affect cholesterol levels in the body in many ways. When you consume them in small quantities, it can sweep cholesterol and reduce inflammation in the heart region.
On the other hand, consuming alcohol in large quantities regularly can lead to a buildup of cholesterol as the liver gets damaged, and you may be at risk of heart attack and stroke.
For this reason, it is better to stay away from alcohol as much as possible so that you can maintain your health in good condition.
If you are not able to do so, get in touch with your doctor and get the right suggestions about managing your overall health.
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Lilah Ty is an American biologist, professor of entomology and zoology. Her various works have influenced social and cultural values in the United States. She is also qualified to treat people for general health problems and can also help with mental health advice. Lilah Ty has specializations in the underlying mechanisms that govern the functioning of biological systems within fields such as health, technology and the environment. She started her career path with a four years’ Bachelor’s degree and two years of master’s degree. Also, she has a deep knowledge in microbiology, anthropology, biochemistry and molecular biology.
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